This form is an application to provide services to Durham Tech as an authorized vendor. Please fill out the form as completely as possible. All required fields are marked, but it is to your benefit to give us as much information as possible. Fields of particular importance are:
Name -- please include any DBA or subsidiary information here.
Email address -- please choose a reliable address that is checked regularly. Email is our preferred means of communications.
Tax ID Number -- Durham Tech must have a valid TIN in order to process any payments.
Phone number -- please provide a number that will be answered during business hours.
User name -- please choose a name that you will remember and that is no less that eight characters long, with a mix of numbers and letters.
Banking information -- please complete this if at all possible. While Durham Tech can print checks, direct ACH transfers are vastly preferable and much quicker. Be sure to include all fields, and don't forget to check the box authorizing direct transfers, as well as attaching an image of a voided check.
Attachments -- you must include a W-9 form (available here) and attach it to this form. In addition, if you do wish to allow direct transfers, attach an image of a voided check or authorization from your bank.
Again, please include as much information as possible. Any missing or incomplete information may slow the application process, and no contract can be started until the application process is complete.